Arnold’s Promise Witch Hazel – Harbinger of Spring

Arnold Promise Witch Hazel Bloom

It’s late-February and my Arnold’s Promise Witch Hazel (Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold’s Promise’) has been in bloom for two weeks.

Here’s the view from the kitchen on a dreary, rainy, day. There could be six inches of snow on the ground and the tree would be in bloom.

Arnold Promise Witch Hazel Distance

Arnold’s Promise Witch Hazel Blooms as early as mid-February here in USDA Hardiness Zone 6a.

The flowers are not overpowering but do survive when temperatures can get down to the single digits. Hence, they beat out anything else around.

Arnold Promise Witch Hazel Bloom

If you don’t have an Arnold’s Promise Witch Hazel I recommend planting one next year.

Below is a video I filmed years ago about early flowering shrubs. I start the video standing in front of the same witch hazel.


2 responses to “Arnold’s Promise Witch Hazel – Harbinger of Spring”

  1. Kay Kundert Avatar
    Kay Kundert

    Well, welcome back! We are still looking at mountains of snow here in Fargo even tho’ we have had an unusually dry February, and even some days in the upper 30’s. Coldest was -25 around the 12th. Nothing will be blooming here yet for a couple of months unless we are extremely lucky, and then it will be crocus and forsythia, witch hazel would never make it here. Looking forward to more posts, John!

    1. John Holden Avatar

      It’s been a very mild winter here. We had a couple small snow storms but it’s going to be in the low 50’s 2-3 days next week. I feel like I should be out working in the gardens. -25! Thank goodness we don’t get that cold here. Thanks for following the blog and commenting. It’s good to know someone is reading the posts.


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