Author: John Holden

  • Will Petunias Self-Seed?

    Will Petunias Self-Seed?

    If soil and light conditions are right, Petunias self-seed readily. The secret is to avoid accidentally weeding tiny petunia seedlings in late spring.

    Self-seeded petunias germinate around Memorial Day here in USDA Hardiness Zone 6. Right when spring rains start to dry out and the air temperature is on the rise.

    Petunia seedlings outgrow weeds in late spring. The seedlings become established before summer annual weeds, such as crabgrass and lamb’s quarters.

    Petunia Grouping Self Seeding Three Years

    Here’s the original planting from three years ago. Note how the flowers are the same color before (below) and different colors after (above).

    Petunias Original Planting

    I added five additional Wave Petunias this year. The Wave Petunias are the purply-lavender flowers on the bottom right.

    Multi-Color Spreading Petunia Grouping From Seed

    If you’re letting your petunias self-sew, be patient. Initially, the tiny seedlings seem to take forever.

    However, you’ll begin seeing flowers in a few weeks, and the fun begins.

    Self-Sown Petunia Flower Variations

    I enjoy the variation of colors and shapes of self-sewn petunias more than planting one cultivar. Note the pinks, whites, and a gradient from pink to white.

    Petunias that Self-Sewed Pinks Whites

    White with a touch of lavender and rounded petals.

    Petunia White Rounded Petals

    A bold lavender pink. Note the white center.

    Purple Pink Petunias

    Deep red with pointy petals and a lighter-colored center.

    Deep Red Petunia with Pointy Petals

    Lavender-to-white gradient with a white center and pointed petals.

    Petunias White to Lavender Gradient Pointy Flowers

    Lavender-to-white gradient with a white center and rounded petals.

    Petunias White to Lavender Gradient Rounded Flowers

    Tips for Self-Seeding Petunias

    I haven’t mulched my gardens for a few years. The lack of mulch may be why petunia seedlings thrive.

    I can’t say if petunias will self-sow if you mulch around the plants.

    Where to Plant Petunias

    Petunias like soil on the drier side, although once in bloom, I water and fertilize them regularly with bloom booster.

    Although petunias like full sun, they tolerate less light. The petunias below are growing in partial shade.

    Petunia Grouping Self Seeding Three Years

    I plant petunias and other annuals next to a walkway or seating area where they can be viewed often.

    Can Petunia Self Seed in My Garden?

    The first year my pansies self-sowed, I was unsure how they would do. They grew only because I didn’t weed for a few weeks, giving the seedlings a chance to grow.

    Initially, I thought there weren’t enough seedlings to fill the space.

    I also believed self-seeded petunias wouldn’t look as good as plants from the garden center.

    I was wrong on both counts.

    If, by chance, the petunias seedlings don’t make it, you can always fill in with some fresh plants from the garden center.

  • Visitors Welcome – Especially Cats!

    Visitors Welcome – Especially Cats!

    Last summer, a couple of weird things happened.

    First, I turned on the backyard light one night and saw an orange and white cat patiently sitting under a shrub by the bird feeders.

    Then, a few weeks later, as I walked across the side yard, I spotted a black and white cat carrying something.

    I ran toward the cat assuming it was holding a bird. The cat dropped its prize, a partially eaten roll, and ran.

    I felt like a heel after that.

    I Leave Food for Cats

    In elementary school, perhaps fourth or fifth grade, I spotted a cat under one of the cars. I investigated and saw a white and grey cat that looked down on its luck.

    The cat’s white fur had a yellowish tinge in some spots on its legs. While the cat wasn’t well groomed it wasn’t overly scruffy either.

    I remember looking under the car at the cat, and it looking back at me. Neither of us moving. Neither of us sure what to do next.

    I ran into the house to get something to feed the cat. All I could find was a piece of American cheese. When I returned the cat was gone so I left the cheese.

    When I got off the school bus the next day, the cat followed me to the house door. From that day on, he was part of our family.

    Cyrano and John

    Cyrano was a feral cat who decided it was time to live the good life. I hope we gave it to him.

    Back to this Century

    Getting back to where the story started.

    After chasing the black and white cat away, I put some dry food on a paper plate and left it for the cat.

    Although I never saw who was eating it, the food was gone daily, so I kept putting it out.

    Eventually, I was refilling the plate two to three times a day.

    I don’t remember exactly when or how, but over time I had two cats showing up daily for meals. Every time I fed our indoor cats, I brought food to the outdoor cats.


    Eventually, I named the black and white cat “Phantom” because he’s a master at not being seen. He hides in shadows and under plants to avoid detection.

    Phantom the Cat Sleeping Closeup

    In this picture, I caught Phantom at a bad time, so he looks a little irritated. He’s keenly aware I’m encroaching on his space and taking his picture.

    Initially, Phantom was the more timid of the two cats. He wouldn’t touch the food until I was at least 50 feet away. He would watch me while eating, and if I moved toward him, he would back away.

    As a matter of fact, I told my children Phantom is a wild animal and will never be interested in people.

    I’m not sure when it happened, but gradually Phantom let me get closer and closer.

    Phantom learned his name and started coming when called.

    He ‘lived’ under an abandoned shade canopy in my neighbor’s yard and slept on an old lawn tractor seat with some plywood remnants overhead.

    Below is Phantom lying in catnip, looking at Chloe, our rescue cat.

    Phantom the Cat Watched by Chloe the Cat

    Phantom’s go-to body language is rolling on his back and side looking for attention. Generally, he follows me daily while I feed the birds.


    Initially, Snowball was the more friendly of the two cats and more comfortable with people.

    Snowball the Cat Sleeping Closeup

    Snowball has a left ear tip, meaning they have been spayed or neutered.

    Further, Snowball spent most of last summer sleeping next to our shed. If you walked by the shed, Snowball watched you go by. Things are fine if you don’t get too close or walk directly at them.

    Snowball enjoys sleeping in the catnip growing on the side of the house.

    Snowball the Cat Laying in Catnip

    Last summer, as I was working in the garage, Snowball kept meowing, hoping for a snack. Snowball knew the exact tone that sounded the most helpless. I’m sure it worked!

    Snowball the Cat Sitting in Doorway

    Snowball has a very calm personality and is quite content to sleep and eat with some hunting mixed in. Snowball is a master at finding warm places to sleep.

    Snowball the Cat laying in Dirt

    Lastly, Snowball’s go-to body language is a long, slow blink. I have learned that means a cat feels comfortable.

    I’m fairly certain Snowball was a monk in a previous life.

    The Irony

    I occasionally wonder what brought these two beautiful creatures to me. The answer is quite hilarious.

    Two winters ago we had an overpopulation of mice and I purchased catch-and-release mouse traps.

    For this purpose, I emptied the traps in the yard away from the house. I believe the abundance of mice attracted the cats.

    There is no evidence of mice these days.

    Below Snowball and Phantom are sleeping on the covered bed I made for them. Subsequently, I purchased a K&H Pet Products Lectro-Soft Outdoor Heated Dog and Cat Bed when the weather got cold.

    Phantom and Snowball Sleeping
  • Grape Hyacinth in Lawn

    Grape Hyacinth in Lawn

    Yesterday, I spotted a grape hyacinth, Muscari armeniacum, growing on the lawn. I have no grape hyacinths growing in my yard. To the best of my knowledge, none of my neighbors do either.

    The plant is seven feet from a grouping of snow crocus that also self-sewed on my lawn.

    I made a couple of observations based on the plants growing on my lawn.

    Grape Hyacinth - Muscari armeniacum Single Flower Growing in Lawn

    First, mother nature is a better gardener than I am.

    Second, if we seek something, it will manifest. For the last week, I’ve been seeking a grouping of grape hyacinths to display.

    Plant grape hyacinths in tight groupings spotted around the landscape. Muscari will tolerate shady spots in the landscape.

    Grape hyacinths are an excellent choice for early spring bloom in your garden.

  • Grass Edging Tool for Tree Rings

    Grass Edging Tool for Tree Rings

    Yesterday, I cut a fresh edge around a couple of sugar maples with my favorite grass edging tool. We had rain and fog in the morning and the soil was soft. Perfect for edging!

    Spade for Grass Edging Tool

    Sometimes, I prefer to use a sharp spade to edge the lawn. I don’t always use an edging tool.

    Sharp, clean and oiled tools make me a better landscaper.

    Wheelbarrow Full of Garden Tools

    It’s easier to edge a curved bed with a spade than a grass edging tool. The curve of the spade works with the curve of the bed. Don’t get me wrong, I can cut straight or curved edges with either edger.

    When cutting edges with a spade, keep your cuts close together to avoid a sawtooth edge. You can see each individual c-shaped cut of the spade below which is acceptible.

    Closeup of Fresh Edgings

    I like edging with a spade better but it’s rough on my shoulder and takes more planning. The tighter the curve the more I prefer the spade for an edging tool.

    Closeup of Freshly Edged Tree Rings

    Cleaning up Edgings

    It didn’t take long to re-edge these two tree rings with my grass edging tool. I decided to wait to clean up the edgings. In a day, or two, the edgings will dry out becoming lighter and easier to clean up.

    Wheelbarrow with Freshly Edged Tree Rings in Background

    I use a flat shovel or pitchfork to pick up the large pieces of grass and rocks—a light raking levels out the remaining soil.

    Edgings are great for filling low spots in the yard. Further, if you’re lucky, there’s a low spot closer than where you would dump the debris.


    I purchased that wheelbarrow from A.M. Leonard over 20 years ago. It’s lightweight, heavy-duty and bulletproof. If you like quality tools, I recommend this A.M. Leonard wheelbarrow. A.M. Leonard makes the same wheelbarrow with a flat-free tire.

    Wheelbarrow and Birdbaths near Freshly Edged Tree Rings

    Edging Lawn with Spade Video

    At the end of this video, starting at 7:15, I show you my method for edging beds with a spade rather than a grass edging tool.

  • Pansies Yellow and Purple

    Pansies Yellow and Purple

    Yesterday I spotted pansies in front of the supermarket begging for a home. They pulled on my heartstrings until I brought two flats home.

    The truth is, my wife wrote pansies on the grocery list. She didn’t have to. By early April, I’ll take any blooms I can to add color to the landscape.

    There are still some cold nights coming. If the temperature doesn’t go much below 30, the pansies will be okay as long as they’re hardened off.

    I sometimes put a blanket over the plants if it’s unseasonably cold though I usually don’t.

    Pansies Yellow and Purple

    My wife likes traditional purple pansies. I enjoy the warmth of the yellows. I’ll mix the two colors when I plant them making everyone happy!

    Once the heat of the summer comes, I remove pansies because they don’t like the heat. If growing in a shady spot, they may survive.

    If every plant in front of your house looks great except for a few groupings of pansies by the front door, viewers will focus on that.

    That’s why I pull pansies once they start to wither.

    I purchased these pansies on April 3erd, 2023.

    Click on the picture for a screen full of color!

    Yellow and Purple Pansies
  • Snowdrops | Early Bloom

    Snowdrops | Early Bloom

    While walking the other day, I saw a grouping of snowdrops, Galanthus nivalis, that lit up the landscape on a blustery, bleak winter’s day.

    Snowdrops bloom incredibly early, before daffodils. This picture was taken in mid-March in USDA Hardiness Zone 6.

    Snowdrops Galanthus nivalis Clump 1920 x 1080

    The grouping is on the edge of a New England Forest in humusy soil. Partial shade and organic soil are their preferred location.

    Snowdrops Grouping in Leaves Galanthus nivalis 1920 x 1080

    Snowdrops grow about six inches tall in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 7. They bloom early in the season, long before daffodils and forsythia bloom.

    I wonder how they would look as an underplanting for daffodils There might be a slight overlap in flowering times.

    If you will plant snowdrops, purchase and plant many bulbs in groupings. They will not look natural if you stagger bulbs around the landscape.

    You can’t mistake snowdrop flowers once you know them!

    Snowdrops Galanthus nivalis Closeup of Flower 1920 x 1080
  • Don’t Let Past Affect Present

    Don’t Let Past Affect Present

    Yesterday I found this quote, and it invigorated me.

    Don’t let your past affect your present; let it motivate your future.


    If you know who said this, please let me know.

    A New Blog

    One of my goals this year is to start a blog about the topics in this post and more.

    I can see the new site as clear as day. I need to accept that everything has to start somewhere. The most important thing is to get started, not to be perfect.

    If you enjoy posts like this, please know I hope to create more on the new site.

    If you don’t enjoy posts like this, I hear you and am working on separating the content.

    The Dark Night of the Soul

    The last few years have been quite interesting. Not to say that life isn’t always enjoyable. For me, life seems to cycle between ups and downs. I suspect I’m not the only one.

    Upon entering my fifth decade, I’ve begun to put the pieces of my life together.

    I endured the Dark Night of the Soul last year. I look at life differently now. To put it more in context, I no longer question how I look at life.

    I believe nature is the most beautiful and inspirational thing I will ever see. I believe in kindness toward each other. I believe in people’s actions, not their words.

    I look forward to sharing more in the new blog.

    Spiritual Enlightenment | Being Present

    I’ve been learning about spiritual enlightenment and spirituality. Taking that first step wasn’t easy, but I’m glad to be learning the concept.

    My first book about spiritual enlightenment was The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle.

    When you’re present, you don’t react reflexively to most situations. You are in the moment with no assumptions or expectations.

    You don’t think about the past or the future unless there is a reason. You deliberately distract yourself when you catch yourself ruminating, a favorite hobby of mine. If you can’t stop ruminating, you show forgiveness toward yourself, not anger.

    When you are present, you watch your thoughts like clouds in the sky. Just because there’s a cloud in the sky doesn’t mean it will rain or snow. It just means there’s a cloud in the sky.

    Don't let your past affect your present; let it motivate your future.

    Radical Acceptance

    My current read is Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha by Tara Brach. It’s brought me to the edge of tears several times. I can only read 5 to 10 pages at a time, and then I must put the book down to absorb the concepts.

    I’m learning that acceptance doesn’t come from others. Acceptance comes from within. Once we accept who we are, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or says. We don’t need the approval of others to feel complete.

    Thank you for reading, commenting, and sharing.

  • Snow Crocus: Unstoppable Early Spring Bloom

    Snow Crocus: Unstoppable Early Spring Bloom

    It’s mid-March, and my snow crocus has bloomed for a few weeks. What’s the secret to such early spring flowers? How do I pull off such a fantastic feat every year?

    Simple. I do nothing!

    Snow crocus is one of the first bulbs, technically, it’s a corm, to bloom in the landscape.

    Crocus is extremely easy to care for. They showed up in the lawn about ten years ago and return a little thicker yearly. I neither planted the crocus nor did a thing to care for them.

    Snow Crocus Crocus tommasinianus Flower Growing in Lawn two_1920 x 1080

    In particular, the crocus I have are Crocus tommasinianus, commonly called the snow crocus or early crocus. Snow crocus has lavender flowers and is the first bloom in the spring.

    In fact, Snow crocus often blooms while snow is on the ground. Another identifying factor of snow crocus, Crocus tommasinianus, is white stems.

    Snow Crocus Crocus tommasinianus Flowers Growing in Lawn_1920 x 1080

    Snow crocus or early crocus grow as far north as USDA Hardiness Zone 3 and south to USDA Hardiness Zone 8. Snow crocus is not a native plant.

    Moreover, the snow crocus was covered in snow last week. They were in bloom before the snow fell and are still in color after the snow has melted.

    Spring Snow Storm_1920 x 1080

    It should be noted that Snow crocus grow three to four inches tall. I mow at a minimum of three inches, so there is plenty of foliage left to feed the corms after bloom.

    Snow Crocus Crocus tommasinianus Flower Swath Growing in Lawn_1920 x 1080

    Consider planting snow crocus in your lawn or garden if you want early spring bloom. You won’t regret it.

  • First Daffodil of The Season

    First Daffodil of The Season

    Today, March 19, 2023, I just returned from a walk. It’s been in the high 30’s F with winds gusting to a little over 10 mph. The sun makes it look warm, but you better be bundled up if you head outside.

    While walking, I noticed several Daffodils groupings and anticipated they would be in bloom in another week or two. The Daffodils closest to bloom grew in front of or along stone walls.

    When a little over halfway through my walk, what did I see? A daffodil flower smiling at me on a blustery New England day.

    The daffodil asked me if I would share its smile with you!

    First Daffodil of Season

    I am in USDA Hardiness Zone 6, right between 6a and 6b.