Category: Trumbull CT

  • Late Season Blooming Flowers

    Late Season Blooming Flowers

    Last Monday, November 16th I was cutting back perennials in Trumbull, Connecticut in USDA Hardiness Zone 6b.  I noticed a couple of beautiful late season blooming flowers.

    We’ve already had several hard frosts.  Most of the leaves have fallen off the trees and been cleaned up.

    Late Season Blooming Flowers

    I first noticed a grouping of Honorine Jobert Windflower (Anemone × hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’) flowers glistening in a sunbeam.

    Anemone × hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' Distance

    A little farther away a Fairy Rose (Rosa ‘The Fairy) was strutting its stuff.

    Fairy Rose Closeup

    Here’s a picture from a distance.

    Fairy Rose Grouping - late season blooming flowers

    I admit late season blooming flowers don’t compare to mid-summer.  In the cold and gloomy days of late fall I’ll take whatever I can get.

  • Wisteria – Mother Nature Trumps Man Every Time

    Wisteria – Mother Nature Trumps Man Every Time

    Last week I saw a wisteria in full bloom weeping from a blasted ledge.  No matter how hard I try to create beautiful landscapes mother nature can beat me without trying.

    Weeping Wisteria
    The wisteria starts at the top of the cliff and weeps like a waterfall. It’s stunning.

    If you’re driving down Whitney Avenue in Trumbull, CT in early-May keep your eyes open for the wisteria on the ledge between the entrance to Indian Ledge Park and the Route 25 overpass.

    Looking toward Indian Ledge Park
    The dump truck on the lower left is in the entrance to Indian Ledge Park.
  • Backyard Landscaping Ideas

    Backyard Landscaping Ideas

    A video tour of backyard landscaping ideas.  A great opportunity to learn some backyard landscaping ideas and watch how quickly landscapes grow in.

  • Trumbull CT Landscape Designers – Trumbull CT Landscapers

    Trumbull CT Landscape Designers – Trumbull CT Landscapers

    This landscape is a welcoming entry to the pool scape .  The plants provide  interest in all seasons and low maintenance requirements.  By mixing plants from the old landscape in the new we transition from old to new seamlessly.

    Trumbull CT Landscape Designers John Holden offers landscape design services in Trumbull CT, Newtown CT and Shelton CT.

    If you are looking for Trumbull CT Landscapers we offer garden maintenance services.  When you are ready to take your landscape to the next level give me a call.

  • I Saved a Life Today

    I Saved a Life Today

    Today, while walking in Trumbull, CT I saved a Yoshino Cherry choking to death.  As a horticulturist, I did what I’ve been trained to do.  I took my knife, bent down and removed the obstruction.

    Yoshino Cherry Girdled By Twine
    The synthetic twine around this root will cut off the flow of nutrients to the rest of the tree.
    Yoshino Cherry Girdled By Twine
    Carefully cutting the twine. Point the blade away from the bark to avoid injuring to the tree.
    The Synthetic Twine is Cut
    The tree can breathe after cutting the synthetic twine.
    Synthetic Twine Girdling Tree
    I discovered this tree years ago in the last stages of death. It had synthetic twine embedded into the trunk.

    As the tree roots expand the twine cuts the flow of nutrients eventually choking the tree to death.  This tree would have died a slow and agonizing death.

    I gave the Yoshino Cherry a chance to live.  A chance to brighten people’s spring with blooms and summer with shade.

    Please carefully remove all twine, synthetic or natural, from around the trunk and roots when planting trees.

    By John Holden

  • Front Yard Landscaping Ideas by a Trumbull CT Landscaper

    Front Yard Landscaping Ideas by a Trumbull CT Landscaper

    I installed this front yard landscaping over 9 years ago and been involved in the maintenance ever since.

    I hope you can learn a few tips when it comes time to design your own landscape. If you are looking for a Trumbull CT landscaper or landscape designer please call today.