Category: Vegetable Gardening

  • What Doesn’t Belong Here?

    What Doesn’t Belong Here?

    I stumbled on a corn plant while maintaining a client’s garden a couple of months ago. Most people would have pulled the plant.

    Corn Plant Growing in Foundation Planting August 22

    I love it when volunteers show up in the garden! Whether animal or vegetable, it doesn’t matter.

    Nature is Random and Ordered

    Nature is both random and ordered—certain plants like certain conditions. If conditions are right, those plants will grow.

    In nature, plants grow in groups with some overlap. There will be fewer plants on the edge of the group than in the center. Different plants with similar requirements can grow in the same group.

    Nature is not neatly sheared balls with perfect spacing and a mulch bed. Nature is quite the contrary.

    Parts of a Corn Plant

    Corn plants are wind-pollinated. You’ll never see a farmer grow a single row of corn. You’ll see corn growing in blocks so that the wind can spread pollen among the plants.

    Wind knocks pollen off of the plant’s tassels, the male part, at the top of a corn plant.

    Corn Tassels on Corn Plant Growing in Foundation Planting

    Pollen falls onto the silk, the female part of the corn plant. There is one strand of silk for each kernel of corn.

    Ear of Corn on Corn Plant Growing in Foundation Planting

    Corn plants can have more than one ear of corn.

    Ears of Corn Growing on Corn Plant in Foundation Planting

    Where Did the Corn Plant Come From?

    I would guess one of the neighbors had a bird feeder in their yard; and a raccoon, squirrel, or bird brought the corn to the garden. The animal must have missed a kernel, and it grew.

    We’ve had a very wet summer with no drought—excellent conditions for corn.

    I asked if it was okay to leave the corn plant when weeding the gardens in June. I forgot about it until my client sent a picture of the mature corn plant.

    This photo was taken on June 30.

    Corn Plant Growing in Foundation Planting June 30

    By August 22, the corn plant had matured.

    Corn Plant Growing in Foundation Planting August 22

    When I gently rubbed the ears of corn, I could feel the plump, tasty kernels. I look forward to returning with the barbecue and some butter!

  • Compost Pile Potatoes

    Compost Pile Potatoes

    Last week while bringing a load of debris to the compost pile I spotted something growing in the mass of leaves, sticks, vegetative kitchen scraps and garden debris.

    After a few moments, I realized it was a compost pile potato vine. A few weeks ago I tossed potatoes in the pile and I guess they liked it there.

    Here’s a picture of the compost pile potatoes from a distance.

    Compost Pile Potatoes from Distance

    A closeup of compost pile potatoes.

    Compost Pile Potatoes Up Close

    If you think those leaves look familiar they should. Indeed potatoes are in the same plant family as tomatoes, Solanaceae. It looks like tomato plants growing but it’s too early in the season for that.

    Below is a comparison of the leaves of the two plants.

    Potato Tomato Graphic

    My plan was to move the compost pile to where my mulch pile is when I finished spreading the mulch. As a result, I’m not sure what to do.

  • Sugar Snap Peas First Bloom

    Sugar Snap Peas First Bloom

    Yesterday I spotted the first flower on my Sugar Snap Peas in my Square Foot Garden. I can’t wait to try them out!

    After some quick reading on the Burpee website I realized I made a few mistakes on my first try with Sugar Snap Peas.

    First, I should have staggered two to three planting times 7-10 days apart to extend the harvest.

    Second, I should have given the plants support. Sugar Snap Peas grow six feet tall. Looks like my peas are going to turn into a groundcover.

    I’m looking forward to trying Sugar Snap Peas soon.

  • Square Foot Garden Update | Artwork Broccoli

    Square Foot Garden Update | Artwork Broccoli

    My other Square Foot Garden bed is filling up fast. In this bed, I planted Sugar Snap Peas, Onion Sets, and Artwork Broccoli.

    Artwork Broccoli

    I stumbled onto Artwork Broccoli at Tractor Supply. Artwprl Broccoli has an upright habit and is quick to grow secondary heads once the main head is harvested. The heads of Artwork Broccoli aren’t as large as traditional Broccoli but there are more of them for a longer time.

    Artwork Broccoli Habit with Tag

    Artwork Broccoli has an extremely upright habit.

    Artwork Broccoli Habit

    After taking these pictures I cut off the broccoli heads and steamed them. Delicious!

    Artwork Broccoli Head

    If you look in the leaf axils you can see new broccoli heads forming. As soon as the main head is cut the secondary heads start growing.

    Artwork Broccoli New Sprouts at Leaf Axils

    Red Onion Sets

    I’m also growing Red Onion Sets. I placed the sets in the soil in mid-April and after six weeks of growth, they have come a long way.

    Red Onion Sets

    Sugar Snap Peas

    Sugar Snap Peas finish out the bed. The Sugar Snap Peas have been growing fast but so far no signs of flowers.

    Sugar Snap Peas

    Thanks for joining me on a tour of my Square Foot Garden. I’m looking forward to sharing more updates throughout the year.

  • Square Foot Garden Update | Lettuce Lovers Garden

    Square Foot Garden Update | Lettuce Lovers Garden

    The wettest spring I remember has my Square Foot Garden growing like, well, a weed. I planted my cool season lettuce in mid-April and it’s taken off since then.

    Above is my lettuce bed. I picked four varieties of lettuce at Tractor Supply from Bonnie Plants.

    Romaine Lettuce

    First I planted Romaine Lettuce. I like how Romaine Lettuce stands upright and the loose habit makes it easy to harvest a few leaves at a time. I also enjoy the taste.

    Romain Leaf Lettuce

    Iceberg Head Lettuce

    Next, I planted Iceberg Head Lettuce. Iceberg Head Lettuce is my go to when buying lettuce at the grocery store. The secret, in my humble opinion, is to shred it thinly when cutting for a salad.

    When reading about Iceberg Head Lettuce at Bonnie Plants I learned head lettuce grown on the east coast may not have as tight a head as lettuce grown on the west coast. After harvesting one head I agree.

    Iceberg Head Lettuce

    Garden-grown head lettuce is a bear to clean. I watched the video below for lettuce cleaning tips. The best way to clean freshly picked lettuce is to dip it in a large bowl of water and use a salad spinner for drying.

    Buttercrunch Lettuce

    I’ve read Buttercrunch Lettuce has good taste and is easy to grow. I tried grocery store Buttercrunch Lettuce over the winter and the taste was strong. We’ll see how freshly grown tastes!

    Buttercrunch Bibb Lettuce

    Green Leaf Lettuce

    The final lettuce I planted is Green Leaf Lettuce. Green Leaf Lettuce resists bolting, when plants go to seed in the summer’s heat.

    I find it interesting that the best name anyone could come up with for this plant is “Green Leaf Lettuce.” I wonder if the same person bred a pumpkin called “Orange Pumpkin.”

    Green Leaf Lettuce

    In my next post, I’ll show you my Square Foot Garden planted with onions, broccoli, and sugar snap peas.

  • First Shade Day – The Leaves are Out!

    First Shade Day – The Leaves are Out!

    First Shade Day is the first day you can see shade from the trees each spring. May 5 was First Shade Day this year; though it was raining when I made the observation.

    First Shade Day signifies the unofficial beginning of spring. I know the cold, damp gloomy days are over.

    John Holden

    Below are some observations of the yard on First Shade Day 2019.

    Shade Garden Ideas

    Below is the Hosta Garden leafing out. This garden has a lot of significance for a couple of reasons.

    First, the root flare of the Sugar Maple to the left that’s 100 to 125 years old.

    Second, when we bought our house this area was half moss and half weeds. It was a mess! Over the years I placed the stepping stones, spread compost, and planted the Hosta to get it to where it is today.

    Old Fashioned Shade Garden

    Theo is enjoying First Shade Day too! On the right are some Tiarella (Tiarella cordifolia) in full bloom along with an Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis ‘Old Fashioned’) .

    Great Pyrenees Dog in Garden

    Epimedium – Plant for Dry Shade

    Sulphureum Barrenwort (Epimedium × versicolor ‘Sulphureum’) in full bloom growing in dry shade and looking great! Barrenwort dies back to the ground in the fall but reliably returns each spring. It’s a very slow spreader that works better as a grouping than as a ground cover.

    Sulphureum Barrenwort (Epimedium × versicolor 'Sulphureum') Habit

    Sulphureum Barrenwort (Epimedium × versicolor ‘Sulphureum’) flower and foliage. The foliage has a reddish tinge when it emerges and the small yellow flowers provide interest in the spring garden.

    Sulphureum Barrenwort (Epimedium × versicolor 'Sulphureum') Foliage and Flower

    Japanese Crabapple – Spring Flowering Tree

    Japanese Crabapple in full bloom. When we moved into the house 20 years ago the tree was a stick 6 to 8 feet tall.

    Over the coming weeks, the petals will litter the plantings and lawn beneath the tree. Following that leaves will slowly drop through the summer. When the leaves drop in the fall they are thick and leathery and don’t ‘grind up’ with the lawnmower easily.

    Crabapple in Full Bloom

    While I’m not a fan of Japanese Crabapples; few trees can compete with their beauty in full bloom. Here’s a great list of Japanese Crabapple Cultivars .

    If you can identify the cultivar of Japanese Crabapple from the flowers please let me know.

    Crabapple Flowers

    Square Foot Gardening

    Last year I started a square foot garden. I planted lettuce seedlings a couple of weeks ago. I only covered the plants once to protect them from frost so far.

    Square Foot Garden Lettuce Bed

    In my other bed I planted onion sets, broccoli and peas.

    Cool Season Square Foot Garden

    When I was a kid I visited a friend whose father was growing peas early in the season. I remember watching the peas growing in the muddy, cold soil and wondering why anyone would plant so early.

    I’ve learned that peas like cold, muddy soil. These seedlings were planted mid-April and they’re thriving.

    Pea Seedlings Emerging

    Seasonal Color Ideas

    My wife came back from Target with this cool bucket. She poked holes in the bottom with a nail for drainage, filled the container with potting soil and planted some pansies from the local grocery store. Voila!

    Pansies on the Front Steps

    German or Bearded Iris

    This picture is the bed of German Iris I made a video about years ago. In the video, I mention weeding around the iris. I decided to keep the leaves in the bed to shade the soil and see if it keeps the weeds down.

    German Iris Bed with Last Years Leaves

    Thanks for sharing First Shade Day with me.

  • How Pumpkins Grow?

    How Pumpkins Grow?

    Yesterday my wife and I took the family to get Halloween pumpkins.  While walking through the field it occurred to me that some people may not know how pumpkins grow.

    How Pumpkins Grow

    Pumpkin plants are Monoecious, they have both male and female flowers on the same plant.

    The female flower has a small ball beneath the flower.  When pollinated the small ball grows into a pumpkin.  Female flowers are shorter and closer to the stem than male flowers.

    Female Pumkin Flower

    Male flowers grow on long stalks.  There are many more male flowers on a pumpkin vine than female flowers.

    Male Pumpkin Flower

    Pumpkin flowers open for one day.  If a female pumpkin flower doesn’t get pollinated that day no pumpkin will grow.

    Sometimes a female flower that’s not pollinated will grow larger, perhaps to the size of a golf ball, and then stop and turn yellow.

    Bees fly through the pumpkin patch collecting pollen and accidentally carry pollen from male to female flowers, thus pollinating the flowers and creating pumpkins.

    Bees Pollinating Pumkin Flower

    Once pollinated, a pumpkin grows at an exponential rate.  The worlds largest pumpkin grew to over 2000 lbs.  The most popular seed for growing giant pumpkins is Dill’s Atlantic Giant.

    Pumpkins start green and turn orange when they’re ripe.  There are many varieties of pumpkins depending what size and type of pumpkin you’re looking for.

    Green Immature Pumpkin

    While you’re walking through the pumpkin patch this Fall remember how much work it takes to grow a pumpkin, let alone select the perfect one.

    Pumpkin Patch with Corn in Background

    Happy Halloween!

  • Cucumber Vine Growing

    Cucumber Vine Growing

    I marvel at how much growth is in the tip of a vegetable vine.  Whether it be pumpkins, squash or cucumbers.  All that potential growth bundled into a little ball.

    The image above is the tip of a cucumber vine.

    I’ve got a ton of photos of my Square Foot Gardening experiment this year.  More to come.

  • Why I love Gardening

    Why I love Gardening

    Tonight as I walked through the yard I saw a spider weaving a web.  If you thought a spider carefully crafted a web over the course of days you’re wrong.  I would guess it took the spider an hour or two to weave the web below.

    Spider Web

    This post isn’t about spider webs but it’s related to that moment.  As I watched the spider weaving it reminded me of one of the reasons I enjoy gardening.

    I enjoy watching the changes in the garden season by the season, month by month and day by day.

    A neighbor often comments how he always sees me walking around the yard.  I stroll through the yard in the morning, after work or in the evening and admire the plantings and enjoying the changes.

    A new addition to the garden this year is my square foot garden.  When I was a kid back in the 80’s I read Mel Bartholomew’s book Square Foot Gardening.  I loved the concept and planted many squares back in the day.

    This spring I read All New Square Foot Gardening and tried it again.  My square foot garden has received the most attention of any part of the yard this year.

    Square Foot Vegetable Garden

    I’ve made plenty of mistakes growing my square foot garden.  We’ll share those lessons another time.

    This spring I visited the White Flower Farm and bought a Dinner Plate Dahlia.  I’ve always wanted to try one of those giant flowers and figured, “Why not?”

    The extent of my soil preparation was digging a hole 10 inches deep, placing the tuber in the hole and filling it half way with dirt.  All I’ve done since is water the plant and give it some liquid fertilizer.  A couple of weeks ago I filled the hole in the rest of the way and today I staked it.

    About 2 1/2 months later my Kelvin Floodlight Dahlia is three feet tall with a yellow flower ready to pop (see image at top of post).  I’m in shock at how easy dahlias are to grow and how much fun it was to watch.

    You can see the yellow bloom of the dahlia just to the left of the purple coneflower.

    Dahlia Plant

    Why do you garden?