Another Day at the Office

Lake Zoar Monroe CT

I’ve been working on Lake Zoar in Monroe CT the last couple days.  The weather this week has been beautiful.  High 50’s to low 60’s and sunny.  Last week I worked in a drizzle mixed with snowflakes.

The improved weather is a welcome change.

The picture at the top of this post is a fire pit overlooking Lake Zoar.  If you look over the end of the dock you can see the Stevenson Dam in the distance.

Below is one of the gardens I’ve worked in.  It’s straight forward spring maintenance; clean up leaves and sticks, weed, prune winter damage, cut back perennials, edge, turn mulch and re-mulch.

Garden Ready for Mulch

Besides working on a lake there are two streams flanking the property.  I’ve listened to babbling brooks most of the day.

Babbling BrookNo matter how far in my career I am mother nature beats me every time.  She uses just the right mix of elegance and randomness.  If we take a moment to truly look at nature she is something to behold.

Roaring Stream
I urge you to go out and look at, not rush through, nature. It does wonders for the mind and body.  Time to head to work. Poor me. 🙂


6 responses to “Another Day at the Office”

  1. Mark Whelan Avatar
    Mark Whelan

    John once again you make me jealous of your career choice.
    The sound of a babbling brook takes me back to the days when “Poorman’s Stream” (Nelson, New Zealand) called me while on the way to school. Yes I listened to the call many times especially in late summer and autumn. I think I probably learnt more about peace, harmony and nature on those days that I ever learnt in the classroom. Since then my hearing has gone so I can no longer hear the cheeky fantails laughing as they chase the flies. My eyesight is no longer sharp enough to spot the cockabullies hiding under the stones. My reaction time is no longer sharp enough to catch the yabbies as they dart from one shelter to another. But on the other hand my understanding is just as clear as it ever was and, fortunately, mankind has caught up with a young boy’s understanding of nature and is now preserving what we almost destroyed.

    1. John Holden Avatar


      When I was a boy I was always happiest spending time in, or with, nature. Nature is so understanding and patient. It’s nice to see mankind starting to appreciate nature but I feel we still have a long way to go.

  2. Rod Miller Avatar

    No matter how we fight Gaia she wins every time.
    Looks like a lovely place to be working.
    Of course if you love what you do your never at work…
    Kind Regards

    1. John Holden Avatar


      It’s a beautiful view but unfortunately I’m not usually in ‘Stop and smell the roses’ mode when working there. I think my clients would be concerned if I was leaning on a tool staring out at the lake though I do catch myself sometimes. I hope to have a reveal of the landscape I’m working on later this year. Stay tuned!

  3. Lauren Silver Avatar

    I, too, have the similar honor of having such an “office”. No pictures for you, but a few words. I take care of a garden on a high bank on the edge of the Hood Canal, on the Kitsap Peninsula of Washington State. I have a greater than 180° view of the Olympic Mountains, the Hood Canal Bridge and Mt. Rainier with frequent very close encounters just overhead of Bald Eagles and Osprey.

    Just last week as I was lost in a weeding project I heard the sound of large wings flapping close above my head. I looked up to see an eagle very aggressively chasing an Osprey as they flew out over the water. The chase continued on for quite a distance. I am so grateful for the kind of Office job I have.

    Take good care,

    Indianola, Washington

    1. John Holden Avatar


      That sounds beautiful. I’ve heard many people talk about the beauty of Washington State. I hope the eagle gave up the chase….

      I’ve seen videos of eagles in Alaska and they look like very ‘normal’ birds, just very big.

      Every once in a while on a hot day or after not getting a job I thought I should I consider if I made the right choice. While air conditioning, a 401k and vacation days all seem wonderful I don’t think I would be as happy indoors. A bad day as a landscape designer/contractor is better than a good day at the office?


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