My New Favorite Lunch Spot

New England Forest

Today I visited my new favorite lunch spot.

No, it’s not an eatery, though if I had to choose one it would be Newtown Deli and Catering. The food is great but more than that the folks that work there give a sense of warmth and kindness.

I’m a big fan of the Fiesta Salad with Hard Boiled Eggs and Blue Cheese Dressing. I also enjoy their Italian Combo. I bring lunch to a local park which will remain nameless to preserve the peaceful spot.

About a quarter mile into the woods there is a slow, bubbling stream that fills the forest with the ever-so-gentle sound of running water.

New England Rocky Stream

There are a few glacial boulders at just the right height to sit on. I have a favorite spot, though today I moved to a different spot to get out of the sun. A ten-foot move gave a completely different perspective of the area.

While sitting on a boulder listening to the gentle stream I heard a symphony of bird calls through the forest. The bird calls were random yet rhythmic and you didn’t even notice them unless you listened.

After eating I took some photos to hone my skills. It took me twenty attempts to get the two photos in this post.

If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again.

Lunch lasted a couple of hours. When I left the forest the world was at peace and all concerns were washed away by the stream.

New England Forest


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13 responses to “My New Favorite Lunch Spot”

  1. Lauren Avatar

    BEAUTIFUL, John. I so appreciate your willingness to share the beauty you witness.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      Thanks Lauren. It’s great to see you enjoy what I share.

  2. John Silvia Avatar
    John Silvia

    So much of what we really need in life is given freely to us from nature. If we would only open our eyes, hearts and minds to it!
    Thanks for another enjoyable post.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      That is a great attitude John. I wish I had spent more time being in nature when younger not just walking through it.

  3. McKenna Avatar


  4. Andrew Klapp Avatar
    Andrew Klapp

    Beautiful! Thank you.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      Thanks Anderew.

  5. Kay Kundert Avatar
    Kay Kundert

    Beautiful, peaceful pictures! Loved them, but nothing like that in the part of ND I live in. I usually eat lunch in my pickup or a client’s yard and sometimes a client will give me lunch.
    So good to hear from you again, hope your summer is going well! Keep up that photography and keep sharing!

    1. John Holden Avatar

      I enjoy sitting in the truck with the radio too! It’s been a good summer but incredibly dry here in Connecticut. I hope there is some rain where you are.

      1. Kay Kundert Avatar
        Kay Kundert

        We have had some very nice timely rains and they have all come during the night, so it wasn’t until last week that I had a couple rain days. It was sprinkling in the morning so I called it a rain day until the sun came out in the afternoon, I felt guilty so went to work.

        1. John Holden Avatar

          I am jealous of your rainy days. We haven’t had a good soaking rain in about three weeks. We really could use some rain over here!

  6. Susan Avatar

    I love your beautiful photos!!
    And, lucky you to have such a delightful place to enjoy your lunch and take photos.
    I live next to a very wooded area and love to sit on my private deck and listen to the “noise” of the woods. It’s wonderful!!

    1. John Holden Avatar

      Thank you Susan. Sometimes we forget to notice the noise of the woods. Your deck sounds lovely!


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