Backyard Bird Feeder

Feeding the Birds

We had light snow today which left the backyard with some interesting patterns. In an effort to uncover tasty birdseed the birds left some interesting patterns in the back yard. Needless to say, I spread the seed around the backyard so everyone who visits has a chance to eat!

This picture says it all!

Feeding the Birds






11 responses to “Feeding the Birds”

  1. apileofsticks Avatar

    Hey John,

    Congrats on your new online format. Looks great! I love your description under your business name: PATIENT CRAFTSMAN OF EXCEPTIONAL LANDSCAPES

    Blessings as we make our way through These Times.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      Thanks for noticing the change! I literally stumbled onto the new theme and gave it a try and I LOVE it! Trying times indeed…

    2. apileofsticks Avatar

      What Theme are you using? I have a couple of blogs on WordPress as well and it may be time for a change…

      1. John Holden Avatar

        WordPress released its generic theme the last month or two. I liked the look, especially the minimalism and white space, so I installed it.

  2. kaykundert Avatar

    John, I just got home from giving a talk at the local Garden Society and I told them about you and your fabulous You Tube video collection and they all took notes. I even said I hadn’t heard from you in a long time and was getting worried. Flipped on my computer and here your are. Hope you had a great summer and are doing well. Have very little snow here in Fargo, today has been our coldest day this winter so far. This is so unusual but certainly not complaining. Good to see you back!!

    1. John Holden Avatar

      Good for you getting out and sharing your passion. Thanks for sharing the YouTube channel. Things are going well and as you see I’m starting to get creative again. We got about an inch of snow today, so far a very uneventful and pleasantly mild winter here. How did you make out on that Mediterranean garden?

      1. kaykundert Avatar

        Well, the landscaper couldn’t get the junipers I wanted, Prairie Pinnacle Rocky Mountain Juniper, which is dark green and very narrow, I believed developed here at NDSU. So he installed Taylor Juniper, which is suppose to develop into a narrow juniper. I will help it this spring with some careful hand pruning. There are two Mugo pines on a standard, and a Quickfire Hydrangea on a standard, which was not my choice, but it does bloom earlier than others.I have also started to square off the yews that were growing there. I think there is a few more things to be put in this summer. I planted three large planters with Tropicana Cannas with yellow Bidens and tropical colors of million bells to add color to the area. It was not planted until later in June. It was a crazy spring with CoVid and everything. Working on a landscape with big and small rocks, I caught my heal on a large one and fell backwards on to pavement and broke a vertibrae in my back on 5/2, so I was out of commission for the month of May. Got it fixed with bone cement on 5/20, and after a couple broken rigs healed I was good as new again. Gardening isn’t for wimps!

        1. John Holden Avatar

          Ouch! That was quite a fall. I notice when I do something stupid and injure myself these days the injury stays with me. I have a back pull that returns if I lift too much and a pull in my abdomen that flares up too. I hope things healed well for you and your injuries are a non-factor now.

          1. kaykundert Avatar

            Good as new! Thanks, John!

  3. Holly Ann Avatar
    Holly Ann

    Very nice, John. I love feeding the birds and watching them while I have my tea in the morning. It’s very relaxing. I enjoy reading your posts. Thank you.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      That sounds like a very nice way to start your day! I’ll have to give it a try. 🙂