Yesterday, I spotted a grape hyacinth, Muscari armeniacum, growing on the lawn. I have no grape hyacinths growing in my yard. To the best of my knowledge, none of my neighbors do either.
The plant is seven feet from a grouping of snow crocus that also self-sewed on my lawn.
I made a couple of observations based on the plants growing on my lawn.

First, mother nature is a better gardener than I am.
Second, if we seek something, it will manifest. For the last week, I’ve been seeking a grouping of grape hyacinths to display.
Plant grape hyacinths in tight groupings spotted around the landscape. Muscari will tolerate shady spots in the landscape.
Grape hyacinths are an excellent choice for early spring bloom in your garden.
4 responses to “Grape Hyacinth in Lawn”
What a beautiful picture! Everything here today is covered in 3″ of snow and it is 30 degrees. My spring work schedule is being trashed; I am getting further behind every day. Just hoping we don’t go from this to temps in the 80’s. This too shall pass and life goes on, just have to work harder and smarter when it does. Thanks for the picture of Spring in Connecticut!
I would guess we are 2-3 weeks ahead this year. Everyone started mowing their lawns this week, and the sugar maples are in full bloom. Not sure sugar maples make it out to you.
Years ago I planted grape hyacinths and they came up faithfully for several years. Then one year they were gone. I may have to plant more.
I wonder where they went? I often see grape hyacinths that have been growing in the same spot for decades.