Impatiens Glowing in the Landscape

Impatiens walleriana closup of impatiens flowers

While some consider impatiens (Impatiens walleriana) old-fashioned; I consider them reliable, easy to grow and gorgeous.

Impatiens thrive in shady spots.

If you have a shady patio or deck pots of impatiens will brighten the space immediately. Once impatiens start blooming they don’t stop until frost.

Impatiens walleriana impatiens growing in clay pot

I planted impatiens in pots around an outdoor outlet for screening. Eventually, I’ll figure out what to plant there permanently but for now, I’m using them as a filler.

By September these plants will be mounds eighteen inches tall and in need of light pruning to keep the branches from breaking. You won’t be able to see the outlet.

Impatiens walleriana grouping of impatiens in pot screening outdoor outlet

While the image above focuses on the outlet when you step back the outlet disappears. Sometimes we have to see the forest for the trees. The only person that will ever notice that outlet is me.

Impatiens walleriana planted around lamp post to screen outlet

This picture of the impatiens gives a better feel of what’s going on. In another week my Stewartia pseudocamellia will be in full bloom! You can see the tight blooms to the left of the lamp post.

Impatiens walleriana planted around lamp post to screen outlet vertical perspective

If you plant impatiens in pots water them daily during the heat of the summer. I water outdoor potted plants daily during the summer anyway.

Impatiens like wet soil and go limp the second they dry out. While you can plant impatiens in the garden I usually put them in pots.

A word of caution, deer love impatiens. If you’ve got deer plant them where the deer don’t roam or suffer the consequences. I have lost a pot of impatiens overnight to those beautiful creatures.

While I admit the salmon contrasts with the bright pink of my petunias I’m ok with that. This bed is half sun and half shade so we’ll see if my sun plants (Petunias) or shade plants (Impatiens) like the garden better.

Impatiens walleriana closup of impatiens flowers

Don’t overlook impatiens for a shady spot. They’re incredibly easy and reliable plants.


2 responses to “Impatiens Glowing in the Landscape”

  1. Kay Kundert Avatar
    Kay Kundert

    John, I just wrote a long comment on your first shade day blog, but when I finished there was no ‘post comment’ spot to hit, so I don’t know what happened to it. It was a follow up on the wisteria, my computer, Fargo weather, my square inch patio pot garden etc. I hope it found it’s way to you. That happened the last time I wrote and you did get it, so I have my fingers crossed.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      I replied to a comment on the First Shade Day 2021 post yesterday. I hope my comment made it to you as well.


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