Look Out Any Window

Minnie Looking Out Window

I woke today before 6 am and walked around the yard. The alarm didn’t wake me, the sun told me it was time to greet the day.

I saw a hummingbird gathering itself on the arbor, as it does every morning at sunrise. The hummingbird wraps its feet around the wire on the top right-hand side.

hummingbird feeder on arbor

A raven I’ve been watching, and who’s been watching me, sat on the power line surveying his territory. I took this picture of him a couple of years ago flying with a peanut. The raven is in the center of the picture.

Raven Flying Through Yard

The world was fresh after thunderstorms last night.

As I was thinking about the day I heard Bruce Hornsby singing “Look Out any Window.” If you haven’t heard the song it’s worth a listen.

A few years ago, I spent a lot of time going for long walks in the forest. I believe some people call it hiking but it sure feels like going for a walk in the woods.

I’d like to share a few pictures as I continue looking out any window.

I discovered the upper block of the Paugussett State Forest that year and recommend it to anyone who enjoys hiking or being in nature. I spent hours exploring the forest and learning where the trails lead.

The highlight of that summer was when I packed a lunch, some water and snacks and hiked the entire Lillinonah Trail. I didn’t hike for speed, I hiked for the enjoyment of being in nature.

Lillinonah Trail Sign Newtown CT

That day I stumbled on a tree covered with moss and red fungus. I’ve never seen fungus that red before or after that day.

Mushrooms Growing on Lillinonah Trail Newtown CT

I hiked Southford Falls several times that summer. The trail that goes along Papermill Pond is a pleasant walk up. The trail along Eightmile Brook is almost straight up near the end and I avoid climbing that way.

While walking in Southford Falls I stumbled upon these cards. It didn’t feel right to take them as I thought others might enjoy them, so I took a picture. I was at a low point and want to thank whoever left these cards in the forest.

Soputhford Falls Hope and Dream

Perhaps I took the advice written on the cards.

I’ve been working toward finding work that allows me to be more creative and sharing my passion for gardening, landscaping and nature.

I’m not a fan of graffiti, however, I read this at the top of the fire tower and it reminded me of the trials and tribulations of young love. Click on the image to open, use the back arrow to return to the post.

Southford Falls Fire Tower Graffiti

Matt, I hope they saw how special you are and reciprocated your affection. However, please understand you can’t make someone love you, and sometimes you have to let go to move forward.

I’m saying this because I wish someone said the same to me when I was your age, or perhaps someone did and I chose not to listen.

Have patience, give it time and you’ll find the right person.

Thank you for looking out any window with me.

Minnie Looking Out Window


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8 responses to “Look Out Any Window”

  1. apileofsticks Avatar

    Thanks for this beauty; of place, time, heart. And thanks so much for bringing Bruce Hornsby around again.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      Thank you for reading! His music takes me back and reminds me of the person I want to be.

  2. Mark Whelan Avatar
    Mark Whelan

    Thank you John for an insight of yourself.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      Glad you enjoyed my journey. Thanks for your support.

  3. Susan Avatar

    I like your pictures and your comments about the pictures. Mother Nature is rather remarkable! So are your pictures and your gardens. I live in Maryland. I enjoy seeing your area of trails and gardens.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      Thank you Susan. Mother Nature is capable of some amazing things! Thanks for visiting and commenting on the post.

      1. Kay Kundert Avatar
        Kay Kundert

        Twice I have written a long comment to the fun blog and twice when I have finished the ‘Post Comment’ is now where to be found.

        1. John Holden Avatar

          Kay, this technology is as baffling to me as it is to you. I don’t have control over that level and wouldn’t even know where to start to figure that out. I appreciate your comments and hope they keep coming.


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