Old-Fashioned Craftsmanship

New England Stone Wall and Barn

After a day of office work I decided to take Theo for a walk.

It was a beautiful evening.  The temperature was around 68 and the sun was shining.  I admit I wasn’t in the mood for a walk.  Too much office time drains my energy.

After 45 minutes of walking I had a choice.

Continue straight and be home in 15 minutes or take the dirt road to the right and add an hour and a half to my walk.

I chose the road less traveled.

I love dirt roads.  I love old houses.  I love walking through the forest.  I love walking in the rain?

This dirt road was right where I wanted to be.

As Theo and I headed down the road a shower started with the low rumble of thunder.

I didn’t mind.  The rain was warm.

While walking I saw some old-fashioned craftsmanship.

Stone Wall with Arch for Water
The arch through this stone wall gives the stream a stylish way through.
Close-up of Stream Through Wall
The stream running through the stone wall.  The job could have been done easier plenty of ways.  None would have looked better.
Stone Wall Built on Boulder
Here the masons used a large boulder to support the wall over the stream. I like how the masons tied the large stone into the wall.
New England Stone Wall Rebuilt
A rebuilt new england farm wall.  Modern stone walls often have wide mortar joints and randomly cut stones for quick construction.
Stone Fence Posts
There’s more to the story of this fence than stone posts and cedar rails. I’m sure that fence had different rails when it was originally built.
Sugar Maple and Stone Fence Posts
Notice how the maple tree engulfed the stone fence post. I wonder if that Sugar Maple was planted to shade the house.

Theo and I left for our walk a little before six and returned a little after eight.  We feel refreshed and renewed albeit a little damp.


6 responses to “Old-Fashioned Craftsmanship”

  1. apileofsticks Avatar

    I love seeing that stone wall with a beautiful, well-made and honoring opening for the creek.
    Hey John…wonder if you’d ever consider doing a video about how to sharpen hand pruners…I have a pair of Felco and an old pair of Corona that belonged to my dad. I know you have a good video about sharpening chain saws…but I don’t have one any more.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      Lauren, I’ve got two videos on sharpening pruning shears. I’m a huge Felco fan so please forgive me for only showing Felcos. The first video shows how to sharpen pruning shears https://youtu.be/U97OwBi9P0s. Howvever, I’ve started sharpening my pruners daily, or a couple times a day if I’m pruning all day like this https://youtu.be/531ytWFyxvs . I hope that helps.

      1. apileofsticks Avatar

        Thanks so much John. I’ll give it a try tomorrow!

        1. John Holden Avatar

          Let me know how you make out.

  2. Rod Miller Avatar

    You have to love the skill involved with dry stone walling. A lost art almost.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      I agree Rod. There are people out there who can do it but they are few and far between.


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