After a day of office work I decided to take Theo for a walk.
It was a beautiful evening. The temperature was around 68 and the sun was shining. I admit I wasn’t in the mood for a walk. Too much office time drains my energy.
After 45 minutes of walking I had a choice.
Continue straight and be home in 15 minutes or take the dirt road to the right and add an hour and a half to my walk.
I chose the road less traveled.
I love dirt roads. I love old houses. I love walking through the forest. I love walking in the rain?
This dirt road was right where I wanted to be.
As Theo and I headed down the road a shower started with the low rumble of thunder.
I didn’t mind. The rain was warm.
While walking I saw some old-fashioned craftsmanship.

Theo and I left for our walk a little before six and returned a little after eight. We feel refreshed and renewed albeit a little damp.
6 responses to “Old-Fashioned Craftsmanship”
I love seeing that stone wall with a beautiful, well-made and honoring opening for the creek.
Hey John…wonder if you’d ever consider doing a video about how to sharpen hand pruners…I have a pair of Felco and an old pair of Corona that belonged to my dad. I know you have a good video about sharpening chain saws…but I don’t have one any more.
Lauren, I’ve got two videos on sharpening pruning shears. I’m a huge Felco fan so please forgive me for only showing Felcos. The first video shows how to sharpen pruning shears Howvever, I’ve started sharpening my pruners daily, or a couple times a day if I’m pruning all day like this . I hope that helps.
Thanks so much John. I’ll give it a try tomorrow!
Let me know how you make out.
You have to love the skill involved with dry stone walling. A lost art almost.
I agree Rod. There are people out there who can do it but they are few and far between.