Prune Lawn Trees High

Pear Trees

I just returned from an evening walk with Theo and my forehead burns from a fresh scratch.

Theo walked around a tree four feet from the road.  As I went around the back a branch caught me 3 inches above the eyes.

I did have a flashlight.  I was looking at the ground for footing and suddenly smack!

This is a great example of why it’s so important to prune lawn trees above people’s heads.  Assume folks will be walking in the dark and can’t see where they’re going.

People driving down the street or your driveway also appreciate not having their cars scratched.

A final friendly tip.  Don’t leave stubs on a tree, especially at eye height, where someone can lose an eye.

Theo the Great Pyrenees Mix Pupply
Theo our Great Pyrenees mix puppy.  He’s 90 lbs at just over a year old.  What a sweetheart.  He loves people, dogs, cats and creatures of all shapes and sizes.



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