Rabbit Hiding Under Shrubs

Rabbit in the Garden

The last couple of nights this rabbit has been sitting on the edge of the woods eating carrots. It’s encouraging to see rabbits in the garden.






6 responses to “Rabbit in the Garden”

  1. Julie Culshaw Avatar

    People say there are rabbits around here, but I have yet to see one. The only animal eating my veggies is my own dog who has learned to pull out carrots, run around the yard with delight, and then eat the orange end, leaving the leaves behind. Cute and funny.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      I thought about my garden when I saw the bunny too! At least your dog is getting his veggies.:-)

  2. Kay Kundert Avatar
    Kay Kundert

    Rabbits :>( the scourge in landscape maintenance. Took cages off a clients roses this spring so the roses could stretch out in all their glory instead of being confined. Went back this morning to check the yard and there were just sticks left of the roses, and one completely gone. Rabbits :>(

    1. John Holden Avatar

      I found a rabbits nest in some Condorde barberry this spring. Luckily there were no little ones yet. Sounds like the rose garden is going to have to be redesigned.

  3. Lauren Avatar

    Bless you for being happy to see a rabbit instead of wondering how to get rid of, or kill, the rabbit. We have not had wild rabbits here (for the last 15 years) until last year. I am so happy to see them. We also are not hearing as many coyote…so maybe there’s space for both now. The rabbits are munching some things, but more importantly their presence is a blessing.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      I imagine, “What if I was the (name of offending creature here)?” That applies to spiders in the house as well. With fewer pesticides being used nature is coming back. We’re getting bears back in the area, for better or for worse. They’ll make you stop in your tracks if you see one.