Spring Begins in Fall

Daffodil Emerging from Soil

This morning as I waited for the school bus I noticed my daffodils emerging.  It’s been a mild fall and they’re just poking through the soil.

Sedum Buttons
New growth on Sedum called buttons.

Plants set bud in the fall so they’re ready to go when the warm weather arrives.

German Iris
The old foliage on my Iris died back leaving miniature Iris plants. The new growth won’t look this good in the spring after repeated freeze thaw cycles.
Lenten Rose Flower Buds
Flower buds on my Lenten Rose (Helleboris sp.) are ready to go. Lenten Rose blooms in April often while snow is still on the ground.

Don’t think your plants are the only thing growing in the garden.  There’s a class of weeds called winter annuals that germinate in the fall.  Now is a great time to pull them.

Chickweed is one of the most ubiquitous winter annuals. Chickweed is remarkably easy to control if you get it while young.

If the weather stays mild take advantage and do some weeding.  It’ll make a huge difference in the spring.