Spring Flowers for Early Bloom in the Landscape

Arnold Promise Witch Hazel Flower 1920 x 1080

We all want to see color after a long dreary winter. However, what can we plant to get spring flowers sooner?

Yesterday, I looked out the kitchen window and the Arnold Promise Witch Hazel was on fire. It’s mid-march and I’ve already got a flowering tree in full bloom.

Arnold Promise Witch Hazel full bloom mid march 1920 x 1080

Arnold Promise Witch Hazel doesn’t have the showiest flowers but it does one thing very well. It is in full bloom when nothing else is, except for perhaps Crocus and Lenten Rose.

I enjoy the pre-spring flowers or Arnold Promise Witch Hazel. How could you not?

Arnold Promise Witch Hazel Flower 1920 x 1080

My nature-planted crocus are in full bloom. Crocus and Arnold Promise Witch Hazel are in the same time frame for succession of bloom. I’m in awe of Crocus every time I see them. The flowers may be covered by six inches of snow tomorrow.

Crocus on March day 1920 x 1080

The daffodils won’t be in bloom for another couple of weeks, give or take. I need to remove some of the shredded leaves I put on the plants last fall.

Daffodils emerging in landscape 1920 x 1080

I have poppies emerging or simply growing. I don’t think poppies die back in the winter. They simply turn a little brown but maintain their vigor in the center of the foliage.

Poppy emerging in landscape 1920 x 1080

As dainty as poppy flowers appear they’re tough-as-nails plant that thrives in hot and dry locations. The photo below was taken in May or June.

Papaver orientale - Oriental Poppy

My tulips are just beginning to emerge.

tulips emerging in landscape warmer 1920 x 1080

Here we are two days later and the temperature is in the low 30s F with two to five inches of heavy, wet snow forecast for today. Have I mentioned what a wonderful addition to the garden Arnold Promise Witch Hazel is?

Arnold Promise Witch Hazel in snow 1920 x 1080


4 responses to “Spring Flowers for Early Bloom in the Landscape”

  1. Ann King Avatar
    Ann King

    You are a true joy!!! Thank you so much! I truly enjoy and appreciate your comments, suggestions, information, pictures — everything!!!! Don’t ever stop!!!

    1. John Holden Avatar

      Ann, you just won the reader of the week award! Thanks for the kind words and support. I’ve got plenty more to write about so please stick around.

  2. Kathleen (Kay) Kundert Avatar
    Kathleen (Kay) Kundert

    Oh, John, what wonderful pictures of hope. Won’t see Spring new growth around here, probably, until the end of April. We got 4 more inches over the weekend, and yes it was beautiful when it started in November – way to early – but beautiful isn’t how anybody is describing it now. Please keep sending pictures as your yard progresses, it helps to remember what we have to look forward to.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      Today, we got a couple of inches of wet snow that barely stuck to the roads. It will be gone by dusk tomorrow.


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