Tag: Ice Storm

  • Jack Frost Exceedingly Bad Day

    Jack Frost Exceedingly Bad Day

    Yesterday we had snow, then rain, then ice and then snow again.  When I woke this morning it was a frigid 26 degrees.

    You’d think I’d be used to spring snow.  I’ve lived in southern New England all my life where the weather is anything but predictable.

    I’m not.

    Every time Jack Frost lays waste to the landscape I’m surprised.  Yesterday Jack was having an exceedingly bad day.

    While the pictures below show plants at their worst I assure you they’ll be fine.  In a few day they’ll look as good as when it was in the sixties last week.

    Hellebore (Helleborus sp.) sent to Hell
    Hellebore (Helleborus sp.) thrives in weather like this. In a few days you won’t know the plant was under half an inch of ice and snow.
    Japanese Cornel Dogwood (Cornus officinalis) on Ice
    Can you can see the layer of ice on this Japanese Cornel Dogwood (Cornus officinalis)?
    Pansy (Viola sp.) Covered in Ice
    This pansy is in for a rough couple weeks. Most of the foliage will turn brown and die.  Growth deep inside the plant will survive.  It’s going to take time.  I should have brought the plant inside BEFORE the cold weather arrived.
    Daffodils (Narcissus sp.) Laid to Waste
    These poor Daffodils (Narcissus sp.) were laid out on the lawn. I can’t say the flowers will look as good as they did before the snow. However, they will right themselves and shine again in a few days.
    Mr. Science Guy how does water run and freeze at the same time?
    Icy on the Outside Warm on the Inside
    The first thing I did this morning was get wood to build a fire. The twine holding the tarp is surrounded by thick ice.

    What’s the weather like where you live?