Tag: monarch caterpillar

  • Attract Monarch Butterflies and Caterpillars

    Attract Monarch Butterflies and Caterpillars

    A couple of months ago I planted a few Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) on a whim. For this reason, within hours, possibly minutes, butterflies started gathering on the plants.

    Consequently, this morning, as I topped off the bird baths I found two Monarch Butterfly Caterpillars.

    Here’s the secret to attracting butterflies.

    Choose plants butterflies like you’ll get butterflies. It’s that simple

    Generally speaking, every time I’ve walked out the door and looked at the Swamp Milkweed there have been butterflies flitting around. It makes the yard an even more peaceful place to be.

    Below is the grouping of Swamp Milkweed. It’s a spindly plant that grows 3-4 feet tall with small pink clusters of flowers. For this reason, it’s best for the back of the border or, obviously, wetland plantings.

    Asclepias incarnata - Swamp Milkweed Habit

    A closeup of Swamp Milkweed flowers past their prime with some seedpods developing.

    Asclepias incarnata - Swamp Milkweed Seed Pod

    Here’s the picture from the top of the post. That’s a big, healthy Monarch Caterpillar.

    Monarch Caterpillar on Asclepias incarnata

    Over the summer I planted a couple of Mandevilla Tropical Breeze ‘Velvet Red’ on a client’s property; moreover, the Mandevilla has bright red trumpet-shaped flowers which hummingbirds love. As a result, within minutes of planting a hummingbird was drinking nectar from the flowers.

    Mandevilla Vine

    Choose plants hummingbirds like you’ll get hummingbirds. It’s that simple.

    I’d love to hear about any plants or methods, you’ve used to attract Monarch Butterflies, Monarch Caterpillars or other wildlife.