Tag: red onion sets

  • Early-March Garden Inspiration

    Early-March Garden Inspiration

    I woke early today, I don’t know why, perhaps because of Daylight Savings. Seeing the sunrise inspired me to wander the garden with the Pentax.

    The only other flower in bloom this week is Dorothy Wycoff Andromeda (Pieris japonica ‘Dorothy Wycoff’). It’s early-March with little else going on and Dorothy is covered with red buds. Andromeda is a reliable broadleaf evergreen growing 4 to 6 feet tall, the perfect size for the back of a foundation planting. Andromeda prefers partial shade, full sun can leave her foliage yellow and susceptible to lace bugs.

    Pieres japonica Dorothy Wycoff

    Gladiator Alliums (Allium ‘Gladiator’) are starting to emerge. I bought these on a whim and LOVE how easy they are to grow. Alliums, in general, are easy and deserve to be on the ‘Hard to Kill’ list.

    Alium Gladiator Emerging

    There are several groupings of poppies around the yard. For such a fragile flower they are a ‘Die-Hard’ plant.

    Poppy Growth Emerging

    I have a funny story about poppies.

    When my wife and I moved into the house twenty years ago there was a red oriental poppy by the front door. The previous owners were going for a period garden to match the age of the house.

    My wife loved that red poppy. I didn’t realize how much until it was too late.

    One day, I asked one of the crew to weed the gardens and, unfortunately, he didn’t know the poppy was a plant, not a weed. That poppy was my wife’s favorite plant in the yard. I’ve tried to replace it at least three times. I can never find a deep enough red.

    My wife shows gratitude for the replacements but I can tell they’re not right in her eye. I’ll keep trying.

    I bought a few tree peonies at Cricket Hill Garden in Thomaston, CT years ago. If you’re a fan of tree peonies you should visit Cricket Hill Garden when the peonies are in bloom.

    The peonies have lingered since I planted them, yet it’s no fault of Cricket Hill Garden. They grow extremely slowly and only have a few flowers every year. Last year I culled two of them. This peony is surviving but only gives 3-4 flowers for a week each spring. The flowers are absolutely GORGEOUS so the plant keeps its place in the garden.

    Tree Peony Emerging Growth

    Last spring I was ‘Gung Ho’ about my square foot garden but as the season progressed enthusiasm waned. I cleaned out the weeds and vegetable plants last fall. I guess I missed the red onions. If onions can grow in the fridge why not the garden in the middle of winter?

    Onions are biennials. The first year they get established the second year they flower and set seed. I should have a nice crop of onion flowers soon!

    Red Onions Emerging

    That’s it for this post. I’ve got to go move the clocks forward.

  • Square Foot Garden Update | Artwork Broccoli

    Square Foot Garden Update | Artwork Broccoli

    My other Square Foot Garden bed is filling up fast. In this bed, I planted Sugar Snap Peas, Onion Sets, and Artwork Broccoli.

    Artwork Broccoli

    I stumbled onto Artwork Broccoli at Tractor Supply. Artwprl Broccoli has an upright habit and is quick to grow secondary heads once the main head is harvested. The heads of Artwork Broccoli aren’t as large as traditional Broccoli but there are more of them for a longer time.

    Artwork Broccoli Habit with Tag

    Artwork Broccoli has an extremely upright habit.

    Artwork Broccoli Habit

    After taking these pictures I cut off the broccoli heads and steamed them. Delicious!

    Artwork Broccoli Head

    If you look in the leaf axils you can see new broccoli heads forming. As soon as the main head is cut the secondary heads start growing.

    Artwork Broccoli New Sprouts at Leaf Axils

    Red Onion Sets

    I’m also growing Red Onion Sets. I placed the sets in the soil in mid-April and after six weeks of growth, they have come a long way.

    Red Onion Sets

    Sugar Snap Peas

    Sugar Snap Peas finish out the bed. The Sugar Snap Peas have been growing fast but so far no signs of flowers.

    Sugar Snap Peas

    Thanks for joining me on a tour of my Square Foot Garden. I’m looking forward to sharing more updates throughout the year.