I thought it would be fun to share some pictures of my tree peony flowers along with some tree peony growing tips.
Tree Peony Growing Tips
Many people think tree peonies are difficult to grow. They’re not. However, tree peonies are slow growers and take a long time to become established.
Once established, for me meaning over 5 years in one spot, I don’t recommend transplanting. I transplanted well-established tree peonies out of necessity years ago with no luck. That loss hurts me to this day.
Tree peony flowers prefer shade or they dry out quickly. There’s really nothing you can do about it, though some use peony umbrellas, but be aware that the sun does damage flowers.
I grow my tree peony in USDA Hardiness Zone 6. The soil is average, not too sandy not too organic. I wouldn’t plant a tree peony where the soil is wet all the time or on a sandy hillside.
Originally I had three tree peonies. However, over time trees have grown in and shaded them. While the tree peonies didn’t die they stopped getting bigger and only had a flower or two a year. Eventually, I removed them.
The tree peony in this picture has been in the same spot for about 15 years. I didn’t do anything fancy when I planted it. I dug a hole, planted the peony and watered it. I usually deadhead the spent flowers. This peony keeps performing with little care.

Unfortunately, I planted a Dawn Redwood 10 feet from the tree peony and I don’t know how long until the Dawn Redwood takes all the nutrients and sunlight from the area.
I hope these tree peony growing tips will give you a head start on planning where to plant your tree peonies.
Tree Peony Flowers
I started taking pictures of this Tree Peony on May 5th and took the last picture on May 9th. The Tree Peony was in bloom for a couple of weeks.
While Tree Peony blooms don’t last long they are show stoppers and well worth planting if you have a forever home for them.
I love the way the water beads off tree peony flowers and foliage.

An opening tree peony flower in the rain.

The tree peony shrub in the rain.

A tree peony flower at the end of the day in the shade of the Dawn Redwood.

The tree peony in afternoon shade and it’s doing great!

More flowers have opened a couple days later.

Need I say more? What amazing flowers!

This tree poeny flower is almost six inches in diameter!

There were a total of 9 flowers, there are two more flowers in tight buds on the lower right of the shrub and one flower about to open in the upper right.

A few weeks after bloom the tree peony is full of seed pods.

The seed pods have a very distinct look.

If you’re not going to collect the seeds of your tree peony they should be deadheaded by cutting off the seed pods where they meet the stem.
This brief video explains deadheading tree peonies.
If unsure whether to plant a tree peony or not use the tree peony growing tips above and go for it. Tree peonies, like all other plants, grow one leaf at a time. There is no magic involved in growing tree peonies.
3 responses to “Tree Peony Growing Tips”
I just deadheaded the one and only tree peony I am responsible for, I did go down to the first leaf to make my cut, so hope that wasn’t too far. The tree peony had more buds on it this spring than I had ever seen before, unfortunately when it bloomed is when we got our 100 degree days with a dry 35 to 50 mph winds and the blooms lasted about 1 day, I usually take pictures, but wasn’t in that yard the day they bloomed. I was extremely disappointed. But thanks for your beautiful pictures.
Flowers on tree peonies come and go quickly and it’s such a busy time of the year for us I don’t take time to ‘stop and smell the roses.’ In the video, the presenter shows next year’s flower on the plant. I’ve never noticed that before. I’m going to check my tree peony through the summer to see if I can find next year’s bloom.
I am going to do the same, because that was certainly new to me also. Had a terrible wind and pouring rain storm very early Thursday morning, so now I had countless peonies to deadhead. This happens every year – short on rain just wait until the peonies are in full bloom – it happens every year!