Winter to Spring: Arnold’s Promise Blooms Brightly

Arnold's Promise Witch Hazel Flowers Arnold's Promise Witch Hazel Flowers Arnold's Promise Witch Hazel Habit (Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold’s Promise’)

After weeks of below-freezing temperatures, my backyard is lit up like Christmas, seemingly out of nowhere.

Why? My Arnold’s Promise Witch Hazel (Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold’s Promise’) is blooming.

Arnold's Promise Witch Hazel Habit (Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold’s Promise’)

We’ve had a brutal winter: several weeks below freezing, high winds, and an ice storm.

Arnold’s Promise Witch Hazel pulls me out of the winter doldrums yearly.

I took the pictures below on March 18, 2025, in USDA Hardiness Zone 6. My Snow Crocus are just coming into bloom, and the Daffodils are a week or two away from bloom.

You have to see the Witch Hazel flowers up close to appreciate them.

Arnold's Promise Witch Hazel Flowers Arnold's Promise Witch Hazel Habit (Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold’s Promise’)

Arnold’s Promise Witch Hazel blooms at a time when few other plants are in bloom.

Arnold's Promise Witch Hazel Flowers Arnold's Promise Witch Hazel Flowers Arnold's Promise Witch Hazel Habit (Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold’s Promise’)

Other plants that bloom in late winter include Snowdrops, Snow Crocus and Lenten Rose.

Furthermore, Arnold’s Promise Witch Hazel is an understory tree. It prefers to grow in partial shade. The tree will tolerate drought once established.

Also, Arnold’s Promise Witch Hazel grows as a single-stem tree or multi-stemmed shrub, reaching about 25 feet.

Because it is such a unique tree, Arnold’s Promise Witch Hazel often sells out early in the season.

In conclusion, if you like the look of Arnold’s Promise Witch Hazel, I suggest you get to the garden center early.


6 responses to “Winter to Spring: Arnold’s Promise Blooms Brightly”

  1. lauren silver Avatar
    lauren silver

    Oh, John,
    I feel the same way about courageous and rowdy Witch Hazel! I believe…she might be native here (Kitsap County WA), but don’t know for sure. She is showing her brilliant and raggedy golden beauty just now and she cheers me up every time I see her. Thanks for your beautiful eye on all the green, growing ones, John.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      “Brilliant and raggedy golden beauty” – Well said! The overcast, cold, damp, rainy late winter early spring days can be hard for sure.

  2. Patrick Howard Avatar

    Very informative as always John!

    1. John Holden Avatar

      Nice to see you Pat!

  3. Kathleen Kay Kundert Avatar
    Kathleen Kay Kundert

    So good to see a post from you again, I was beginning to worry. Of course, no Witch Hazel in ND, but thanks for the pictures. It was 9 degrees here last night but last week I was out pruning wear a short sleeve shirt. We also had an extremely cold stretches of winter down to -30 some nights, but very little snow. Right now the snow is gone but forecast for tomorrow, Sunday. Everything is sharpened and ready for Spring weather and getting back to work. Have a great Summer!

    1. John Holden Avatar

      It’s been an odd winter here too! Colder than we’ve seen in years but no snow to insulate the ground. I burned a lot of wood in the stove this winter. Nice to hear the tools are ready for spring. I often feel like I’m playing catch up with regard to maintaining my equipemnt.

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